Kane LPI Solutions (Malta) Limited - Website Disclaimer

Insofar as it relates to Kane LPI Solutions (Malta) Limited, this website is not intended for the general public. It is designed for use by Professional Clients including Collective Investment Schemes as defined under the Investment Services Act (1994) (Chapter 370 of the Laws of Malta) (the “ISA”). You must agree to the terms and conditions set forth below for your own behalf and for all others, on whose behalf you access the Company website and acquire information about Kane LPI Solutions (Malta) Limited (“the Company”). The Company is a Recognised Fund Adminsitrator and holds a Category 2 investment services licence issued by the Malta Financial Service Authority in terms of the ISA authorizing it to provide to provide reception and transmission of orders services and/ or the execution of orders (the “Services”) to Professional Clients, including Collective Investment Schemes as defined in the ISA. The Services will be offered to Professional Clients including Collective Investment Schemes in respect of a number of financial instruments, namely:

  • Transferable Securities;
  • Money Market Instruments;
  • Units in Collective Investment Schemes.


This website and the information which is contained in it or otherwise incorporated by reference has not been and will not be submitted to, become approved by or verified by or registered with any relevant regulatory authorities under local laws. This website is not intended for and should NOT be accessed by persons who are located or resident in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person’s nationality, domicile, residence or otherwise) the publication or availability of this website is prohibited or contrary to local law or regulation or which would subject the Company to any registration or licensing requirements in such jurisdiction. [For those who are acting as agent, it is your responsibility to be aware of, to obtain all regulatory approvals, licenses, verifications and/or registrations under, and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction with your entrant to this website.]

The information found on this website should not be circulated or distributed to any person other than to any Professional Clients including Collective Investment Schemes as defined in the ISA and should not be relied upon by any other persons or redistributed to the retail public in relevant countries.


The information contained and referenced on this website (including without limitation the information, functions and documents herein (hereinafter referred to as the “Contents”) is supplied solely for information purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer, solicitation or recommendation for any investments, investment funds or products in any jurisdiction where such activity is unlawful. The Contents have been prepared without taking into consideration the investment objectives, financial situation or means of any person or entity and the website is not soliciting any action based upon them. The Contents are not to be construed as a recommendation or an offer or invitation to trade in any units of funds nor should any Contents form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract or commitment on the part of any person to proceed with any transaction. The Contents are not to be construed as soliciting or promoting any financial products or services. This website is not directed at you, if we are prohibited by any law or regulation of any jurisdiction from making the information on this site available to you and is not intended for any use which would be contrary to local law or regulation. If you are visiting our web site from any such jurisdiction, please kindly disconnect from our web pages.


The Contents are published in good faith. No advice, representation or warranty, express or implied is made by the Company or by any person as to its adequacy, accuracy, completeness, reasonableness or that it is fit for your purpose and it should not be relied on as such. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Contents, but it may be based on outdated data or subject to errors. Furthermore, you must acknowledge that past performance is not indicative of future performance. The price of investment instruments can go down as well as up and may be affected by changes in rates of exchange. An investor may not get back the amount invested. Any investments may involve significant risks. There can be no assurance that these investments will be successful. It is possible that an investor may lose a substantial proportion or all of its investment. As a result, each investor should carefully consider whether it can afford to bear the risks of conducting its investment.


Potential investors should inform themselves as to (a) the possible tax consequences, (b) the legal requirements and (c) any foreign exchange restrictions or exchange control requirements which they might encounter under the laws of the countries of their citizenship, residence, incorporation or domicile and which might be relevant to the subscription, holding, or disposal of any units of investments. It is the responsibility of any persons in possession of any marketing material or any documentation with respect to any instrument or security and any persons wishing to apply for services, for their own purposes or on behalf of others, to inform themselves of, and to observe and comply with, all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. Prospective investors should inform themselves as to the legal requirements of so applying and any applicable exchange control requirements and taxes in the countries of their nationality, residence or domicile. Statements made in any documents, except where otherwise stated, are based on the law and practice currently in force of the respective jurisdiction and are subject to changes therein.

If you are unsure about the meaning of any information provided, please consult your financial or other professional adviser.


The Company shall have no liability for any loss or damage arising in connection with this website or out of the use, in ability to use or reliance on the Contents by any person, including without limitation, any loss of profit or any other damage, direct or consequential, regardless of whether they arise from contractual or tort (including negligence) or whether the Company has foreseen such possibility, except where such exclusion or limitation contravenes the applicable law. By accessing certain links on this website, you may leave this website. The Company has not examined any of the linked websites and does not assume any responsibility for the contents of such websites, nor the services, products or items offered through such websites.

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